Last update: 7 June 2024. This document is open to change without prior notice.
At the European Peace Research Association (EuPRA), we work tirelessly to create spaces where people have fun and feel safe. If anyone of our members, conference participants, scholars, activist, artists or otherwise, are made to feel threatened or uncomfortable by another person in our spaces, we take it very seriously. When we are made aware of situations related to this, we will make sure that your concerns are heard, and we will take the necessary steps with you to respond to the situation. We expect everyone who engages with us and shares our spaces to respect others and challenge unacceptable behaviours.
To create a safe, positive, and inclusive space that is free from harassment and/or discrimination and in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect, we have established the following code of conduct. We ask that you understand and acknowledge this policy when engaging with EuPRA.
We acknowledge that Peace Research is a field in which new ideas are explored and boundaries are pushed. However, while we believe that people must be free to express themselves, it is unacceptable to exacerbate or reinforce discriminatory or harmful behaviours or views. EuPRA makes every effort to engage with people who share our philosophy. We hope and expect that the content and work shared in our spaces is done so with care and without malicious intent.
Who is this policy for?
This policy applies but is not limited to the following: all members of EuPRA and members of the public who participate in EuPRA-related events.
Where does this policy apply?
This policy applies to all EuPRA-managed events, such as conferences, workshops, and other activities; after-event social spaces; and online while engaging with EuPRA’s virtual events or through email or social media.
The following is by no means exhaustive, but is the minimum we expect from ourselves and others. We must all:
- Foster a safe environment that is free from physical, written, verbal, or sexual harassment, violence, bullying, or discrimination. Unacceptable behaviours include: sexually harassing another person with unwanted or unwelcome behaviour; physically or sexually assaulting another person; making derogatory remarks about an individual’s body, manner, or sexual activities; intimidating, threatening, or victimising another person; discriminating against or treating someone less favourably due to their race, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability, or other personal characteristics.
- Be active and inclusive. Recognise that bigotry is pervasive and rooted in our industry and broader society. Do not tolerate racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, or ageism in any form, and actively challenge discriminatory behaviours and opinions.
- Respect boundaries. Be aware that each person is different and will have different personal and cultural boundaries. Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal signals, and be respectful of others' wishes. This also means respecting possible rules and regulations put in place to protect everyone from COVID-19 or other pandemics.
- Be aware of and challenge our prejudices and privileges. Consider what influences your words, opinions, and feelings and who they might exclude or harm.
- Respect how people choose to identify. Do not assume someone's gender identity, sexual preference, background, etc. And do not share this information with others without permission.
- Listen if someone challenges us about our behaviour. It’s always hard to hear that your behaviour is making someone uncomfortable. Do not become defensive – listen, reflect, and learn.
- Consume responsibly. Know your limits. The effects of alcohol consumption will not excuse inappropriate or harassing behaviour.
- Take care of ourselves. Take care of your health and safety, and do not act in any way that puts you or others at risk.
- Respect the privacy of others. Do not take photos/videos of others and/or do not share images of or information belonging to others without their express permission.
Report damaging behaviours. If you are being harassed, witness harassment of someone else, or have concerns about another person’s conduct, please contact an event organiser or a member of the board. You can speak to a board member directly on-site and/or report any inappropriate behaviour or harassment via the contact details below. Board members can also submit reports.
What can you expect from us?
We will follow and uphold our Code of Conduct in everything we do. We will communicate this policy to all members, volunteers, scholars, artists, conferences and workshop participants, collaborators, employees and others who work with us. It will also be available publicly. We will take action. When someone reports a breach of the code of conduct or is uncomfortable in any of our spaces (including online) we will work with the complainant to determine an appropriate response. This might involve:
- warning the offender
- removing the offender from the event/activity
- revoking EuPRA membership according to Article 4c of the EuPRA Statutes
- banning the offender from future attendance
- contacting the police
- putting the complainant in touch with local support services
We will continue listening, learning, and reflecting, individually and with others in the EuPRA community. This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated. If you have any comments or suggestions related to this policy, please contact us using the following details.
Our Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
*This code does not supersede an individual’s right to file a police report and/or investigation or seek legal counsel. To the extent that there is an inconsistency between the law and this policy, the law prevails. |