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Minutes of the EuPRA Board Meeting of 12 September 2023


  • Craig Brown 
  • Anush Petrosyan 
  • Leena Vastapuu  
  • Bram J. De Smet 
  • Stephanie Thiel 
  • Iiris Niemelä


  • Ilaria Tucci
  • Jusaima Moaid-Azm Peregrina

  1. Finances

    Regarding the online payment system for membership fees and conference registration fees, Iiris will
    collect the documents that are needed to set up a payment system. We need to deliver the bank
    information, official registration document proving EuPRA is a registered NGO, and the addresses of
    two people.

    The board will think about raising funds through the website in the form of donation, and during
    conferences by selling t-shirts, hoodies etc.
    The board will also look at receiving funds through collaboration with other associations in the Peace

    Leena will look at possibilities of receiving funding through the Finnish government (Yleisavustukset)
    and Ilaria had mentioned looking into cooperation with the Flemish Peace Research Institute.
    The board will ask Unto Vesa if he would be willing to become the EuPRA financial auditor. 

  2. Memberships

    The board discussed the need to offer more to paying members. Possibilities can include, for instance,
    job listing in the field of peace research. Another possibility is access to publishing houses, for instance
    Cambridge Publishing, Critical Peace Research Journal or Mannheim Journal. We also have
    connections with Irene Publishing which we need to look into. We need to look into how such
    collaboration would work. This could, for instance be through forms of mentoring in the publishing
  3. Newsletter

    The board then discussed the newsletter, which could expand to include select publications from
    EuPRA members. The website now offers a subscription box on the website, and people holding an
    account on the website can easily manage whether they receive the newsletter from their account
  4. EuPRA2023 Conference

    Regarding the 2024 EuPRA conference in Pisa, the board decided that the CfP should still go out in
    2023. This would give people more time to submit abstracts. Hence, the board needs to finalize the
    CfP draft so it can be published in November 2023.

    A list of potential keynote speakers for EuPRA 2024 needs to be created. A shared document will allow
    us to mention names and the respective fields of potential keynote speakers. Each board member will
    provide three names by the next board meeting.

    The EuPRA board has decided to create the European Peace Prize in three categories still to be
    decided. These prizes are handed out at the conferences. The prizes can be created by an artist from
    the region in which the conference takes place.

Minutes taken by Bram
