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Displaying 33 programmes related to Peace Studies in Europe. If you know of other programmes, please contact us.


University of Innsbruck

Peace Studies

Established in 2001 the MA Program in Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck was strongly inspired by the UNESCO’s famous Manifesto 2000, which proposed to turn the new millennium into a new beginning, an opportunity to change, all together, the culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and non-violence.

In addition to a first class academic education of the network in Peace Studies the Innsbruck program offers a special field training component designed to integrate academic excellence with the skills required in real conflict situations. Students have to be prepared for the adventure of a very holistic – physical, emotional and intellectual – exploration of themselves, their society and in more general terms of the whole world. Transrational peaces, as defined in this program, twist the division between subject and object; they go beyond the conventional limits of reason; they are not only rational but also relational; they start the search for peace with the deconstruction of the observer’s identity; they apply all the methods of conventional peace studies and go much further. Thereof derives a unique curriculum and the world’s most challenging academic training program for peace workers.


Tampere University

Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research

The programme facilitates the understanding of the complex nature of wars and conflicts as well as their short- and long-term consequences. It focuses not only on the study of conflict but primarily on its transformation and on the conditions for peaceful change. For example, it examines, how violent conflicts, ethnic and religious discrimination and human rights violations produce forced displacement and how different actors can respond to these crisis situations.


University of Dublin

Race, Ethnicity, Conflict

This one-year postgraduate course examines the techniques used by states and international agencies to manage peoples and conflict, their social and cultural impact and the responses they elicit. It applies a wide variety of sociological theories to racialization, gender, migration, ethnic conflict and peace-making. Students are taught to complete an independent research project on these issues

University of Limerick

Peace and Development Studies

This programme introduces students to key debates about conflict resolution, peacebuilding and processes of economic and political development. As such, a prime objective of this programme is to provide students with awareness of the complexities of peacebuilding and development in diverse global case studies, thereby encouraging graduates who can contribute effectively in these areas at a professional level.


Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

International Security Studies

Security studies have become a crucial domain to analyse and understand the challenges of international politics. From traditional ideas of security related to armed conflicts and national security to non-traditional concerns such as energy crises, migration, terrorism, pandemics and climate change, security studies represent a framework for the analysis of multi-level challenges to our global society. The Master’s Degree in International Security Studies (MISS) provides the students with both theoretical and practical perspectives on the dynamics of contemporary security, as well as on the evaluation of responses, and their implications.

Università di Pisa

Peace Sciences

The Interdisciplinary Centre “Sciences for Peace” (CISP-Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace) is a “University Centre for Training and Research” established in 1998. CISP is a reference point for professors and researchers at the University of Pisa who wish to carry out research, training and teaching activities – or, more generally, cultural promotion – related to the construction of sustainable peace. With “sustainable peace” we mean not merely the absence (real or illusory) of war, but a goal to pursue by working for social justice, dealing with the non-violent resolution of conflicts, repudiating violent means and proscribing war in any case. CISP is a key reference point for the teaching activities developed in the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Courses in “Peace Sciences”.


University of Malta

Conflict Resolution and Mediterranean Security

This dual degree programme combines the faculties of two renowned educational institutions: George Mason’s Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution School, the oldest and largest programme of graduate conflict studies in the United States, and the University of Malta’s recently established Centre for the Study and Practice of Conflict Resolution (CSPCR), whose main interests are, inter alia, conflict resolution practices, the relationship between conflict and human rights, as well as justice and security.


University of Amsterdam

Conflict Resolution and Governance

The Master’s in Conflict Resolution and Governance offers you education on the broad spectrum of conflict resolution theory, research and practice. The causes, characteristics, significance and consequences of conflicts are studied in relation to the dynamics of public governance. You will learn how to analyse conflicts, negotiate their resolution and link conflict research with its practice.

Utrecht University

Conflict Studies and Human Rights

How do international paramilitary groups, like Wagner, affect armed conflicts? How do new technologies, such as drones and artificial intelligence affect the dynamics of armed conflict and war? Why are the cycles of police violence and urban uprisings recurring in the French banlieues? Why did MINUSMA, the UN mission in Mali, decide to leave and why is it so hard to end the armed conflicts in this country? Does climate change lead to new types of armed conflict? In our MA programme in Conflict Studies and Human Rights, we delve into these pressing questions and more.

Radboud University

Conflict, Territories and Identities

How can violent conflicts be analysed and addressed? This is a recurring question, particularly given the ongoing violence in countries like DR Congo and Afghanistan, and the outbursts of civil war in Iraq and Ukraine more recently. In this Master's you will study national and international conflict, and the territorial boundaries and borders in the minds of the people involved. You will also become familiar with the theory and practice of those organisations, such as NGOs and the UN, who intervene in violent conflict and its aftermath, as well as the efforts by local actors to transform and resolve conflict.

University of Leiden

Peace, Justice and Development (Advanced LL.M.)

In the Public International Law programme, you will gain a thorough understanding of the legislation that governs international relations in an increasingly complex, interdependent global society.

University of Groningen

International Humanitarian Action

This programme is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural, and multilingual teaching by interfaculty staff, in-house experts, and field-experienced guest lecturers. You will learn to evaluate humanitarian emergencies, study the causes of conflicts and disasters, analyze different coping strategies, and assess intervention and reconstruction programmes. As a graduate, you will have the capacity to act at all levels of cross-cultural humanitarian relief operations and to enhance professional delivery of assistance and substantial actions.


The Arctic University of Norway

Peace and Conflict Transformation

The Master's programme offers in-depth understanding of the key issues informing the field of peace and conflict studies. It provides interdisciplinary insights into the nature and causes of conflicts, as well as efforts at building peace and restoring confidence in institutions in conflict-affected societies. It actively recruits students from Nordic and non-Nordic countries to create and promote cross-cultural teaching and learning experiences.

University of Oslo

Peace and Conflict Studies

The Peace and Conflict Studies Master’s Program (PECOS) provides analytic tools and empirical insights to understand the multifaceted challenges associated with war and conflict. This program combines advanced training in research methods and techniques with practitioner perspectives to equip students for future careers in government, international organizations, or academia. This program is suited for students who wish to combine rigorous analysis with real-world perspectives on some of the most complex challenges facing states and the wider international community.


University of Coimbra

Peace, Security and Development Studies

The objectives of this Master’s programme include: providing advanced training in the field of International Relations, focusing on issues of peace and security, development and humanitarianism; responding to the demands of a qualification that combines the deepening of conceptual and theoretical knowledge in these areas with the creation of advanced methodological and conceptual skills in these same areas of study.
This approach aims at capitalising on the fields of scientific expertise of the teaching staff in IR as well as at benefiting from the interdisciplinary intellectual and academic environment at the School of Economics. A training of excellence in IR is a priority of this cycle of studies, building capacity and skills in various areas, promoting students’ insertion in the labour market, and stimulating their internationalisation through mobility programmes at the European level and beyond.